Health Benefits and how these plants are used in traditional medicine. **
Plants growing on our farm
** list is not comprehensive at this time and contains some of the plants not all

Calendula officinalis
Calendula has a powerful wound healing ability and antimicrobial action. Used for skin conditions promoting healing and growth for ulcers/ cuts and wounds. Used internally to heal the digestives system in ulcerative conditions or damage from NSAID use. Menstrual cycle normalization.

Echinacea spp. (angustifolia, purpurea)
Valuable in treating chronic infections where the infection is lengthy and one is feeling run down and depleted. Often used in combination with other herbs for the treatment of cold and flu during the early onset phase.

Milk Thistle
Silybum marianum
Main remedy used in Western herbal medicine to protect the liver and its activities. Used in conditions where the liver is stressed ; infection, excess alchool, environmental toxins. Other uses include benefits in hormonal balance and depression.

Hyssopus officinalis
Hyssop 's primary traditional uses were for stomach and chest. Hyssop is a valuable expectorant that has antibacterial and relaxing effects. It helps thin mucus and move it up and out of the lungs. Excellent for relieving spasmodic coughing.
An aromatic digestive which helps in the absorption of nutrients and supports liver function.

Leonurus cardiaca
The best herb to drive melancholy from the heart, to strengthen it and make the mind cheerful. It's scientific name gives light to its usage in traditional medicine. Relaxing and grounding to the nervous system, it helps bring lion-like strength to the heart. Great support to help protect the heart and blood vessels and when needed to lower blood pressure. Wonderfully supportive during times of hormonal changes both physically and emotionally.

Wild Rose
Rose spp.
Rose petal tea or tincture is a wonderful nerve tonic , helping in anxiety to relax the nervous system especially helpful for those who feel overwhelmed or in emotional shock. Often used to support the healing of those in trauma or who are suffering from loss.

Mentha spp. (piperita)
Infusions or tinctures, whether solely peppermint or in combination with other herbs help support digestive ailments, stress and headaches, respiratory congestion and stomach aches.

Taraxacum officinale
Very helpful local herb whose roots serve as an excellent bitter liver tonic. The bitter action stimulates the vagus nerve which assists in gut-heart-brain communication. Roots assist those with sluggish digestion and constipation, whereas the leaves function as a safe and natural diuretic.

Plantago spp. (major/lanceolata)
Ribwort plantain is used as a juice or tincture to soothe and reduce inflammation in the upper respiratory tract, nose , sinuses and throat.
Broadleaf plantain is used to heal the mucosal lining of the digestive tract.

Verbascum thapsus
Growing wild in our area, mullein is a striking plant. Leaves are used traditionally as a lung tonic, expectorant and to soothe the mucous membranes. Mullein flower-infused oil is one of the most commonly used herbal remedies to quickly soothe ear pain caused by earaches in children.

Crataegus spp.
Hawthorne is an extremely valuable tonic for the heart and the cardiovascular system. The berries are particularily useful in supporting the strength and resiliance of the heart and the blood vessel system. Enhancing blood vessel elasticity and improving flow of oxygenated blood to the heart muscle. Inflammation support throughout the system.

Achillea millefolium
Yarrow is a wonderful tonic for the cardiac system. Supporting healthy blood vessels, helping to tone and improve their integrity while reducing inflammation of the blood vessel lining, supporting healthy blood pressure. Varicose vein healing.

Matricaria recutita
The mother of the stomach. Warming, digestive herb which relaxes the stomach and the digestive tract, improving movement and helps relieve gas. Helps improve the secretion of digestive enzymes. Often used in a combination with other herbs to address acid reflux, nausea, gastric ulcers and IBS.

Stinging Nettle
Urtica dioica
Possibly the most nutrient dense of all herbs, nettle is a powerhouse in restoring strength and boosting immunity, full of vitamins, minerals and micronutrients. Nettle has an anti-allergic action helping to naturally reduce histamine response and very beneficial in reducing nasal congestion during an allergic response. The leaf is of great use in skin conditions such as eczema and inflammatory joint conditions.

Cucurma longa
Although not growing on the property, we purchase organic turmeric rhizome and make a wonderfully fresh product in capsule form for its strong anti-inflammatory medicinal actions. Very important healing herb in joint disease, cancer, stress and cardiovascular disease.